
Top 10 Podcasts for UX Designers

Explore the best UX design podcasts to boost your skills and knowledge. From expert interviews to real-world tips, these audio resources offer flexible learning for both novice and seasoned designers, helping you stay ahead in the fast-evolving design landscape.
Top 10 Podcasts for UX Designers

The best UX design podcasts

Advancement of technology and use of modern methods in education have now opened up avenues for interested learners in each and every field. Even UX design is one such field. One of the best ways to learn UX design is through educational podcasts. What could be better than turning your idle hours into learning hours? Join us at Qlark Studio as we get you introduced to the best audio resources for learning UX, which are more popularly known as ‘podcasts’.


Top 10 Podcasts for UX Designers

Where you start is not important; what is important is to have the best resources. See the list below for top UX podcasts. Here are some inspirational UX podcasts in English, and they provide the most important and best UX design lessons in a simple and understandable way.

Podcast Description Website
UX Podcast Hosted by James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom, this podcast shares insights about UX, business, and technology since 2011. uxpodcast.com
Design Notes A podcast featuring interviews with designers discussing career paths and life stories in the creative world. designnotes.fm
Writers in Tech Focusing on UX writing and content strategy, this podcast features interviews with industry experts from top organizations. writers-in-tech.simplecast.com
UI Breakfast Hosted by Jane Portman, this podcast covers UI/UX design topics with weekly episodes featuring industry experts. uibreakfast.com
High Resolution A video series interviewing industry leaders from companies like Facebook and Airbnb about product design and design thinking. highresolution.design
Design Matters The world’s first design podcast, hosted by Debbie Millman, featuring conversations with leading designers and creators. designmattersmedia.com
Design MBA A podcast that bridges the gap between business and design, offering a free MBA-style education for designers. designmba.show
99% Invisible Hosted by Roman Mars, this podcast explores the unnoticed aspects of design in architecture, technology, and everyday life. 99percentinvisible.org
Ramblings of a Designer Hosted by Terri Rodriguez-Hong and Laszlo Lazuer, covering the latest news in graphic design and development. ramblingsofadesigner.com
Revision Path An award-winning podcast highlighting Black designers and developers, sharing their stories and experiences. revisionpath.com


  1. UX Podcast

Respectively presented by James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom, this serial podcast came about because of the “organizational silos” in UX-that there is a lack of communication or sharing of knowledge and information in UX and related fields.

UXPodcast™ is a digital design podcast sharing insights about business, technology and people since 2011. We want to push the boundaries of how user experience is perceived and boost your confidence in the work you do.

Launched in 2011, these podcast series aim to develop and progress UX education and become very informative for anyone interested in the digital world. The podcasts are available in several formats: link shows, Q&A, topic-based shows, or event shows. Link shows discuss different new articles; Q&A programs treat one with interviews with notable industry figures. Topic-based shows-as the name would suggest-are a series of podcasts with certain subjects, and event shows keep you updated on the latest UX conferences, meetings, and workshops.

ux podcast

We have this podcast on at the studio all the time and discuss the reviews as a group to learn more about UX here at Qlark Studio.

  1. Design Notes

This is probably one of the most influential design podcasts out there. In their roster, they have two major shows: Method.  Method covers UX designers’ career paths, while Design Notes discusses the lives of designers around the world working in different creative areas. For new designers, these podcasts will be excellent to get ideas from the stories of other people and how they started doing this. In particular, the episodes in Method help people interested in starting a career in Google by highlighting personal stories of Googled designers, tips regarding programming processes, and further insights into the design culture and community at Google.

Related Post: What Does a UI/UX Designer Do?

  1. Writers in Tech

If your interest is more into UX design, then the podcast Writers in Tech is for you. The podcast features content strategists, UX writers, and content designers who share industry tips and tricks. These podcasts include interviews with various UX writers from leading organizations like Kickstarter, Waze, Google, Intuit, among many others. This series is a great source of information for UX writers seeking inspiration to start or update their work. Secondly, all other designers who would want to learn more about UX writing or switch to UX writing can listen to just about anything in these episodes. Of course.

Writers in Tech Podcast

  1. UI Breakfast

This podcast goes mobile and has UI/UX-related content. First broadcasted in 2013, UI Breakfast is a platform that engages podcast episodes, thought-provoking blog content, books, guides, and tools for UX/UI designers in further mastering your skills. Hosted by Jane Portman, a Russian UI/UX consultant, 45-minute podcasts are held every week with exciting conversions with industry experts on UI/UX design, products, and marketing, among others.

  1. High Resolution

High Resolution is a unique YouTube video series based on product design and design thinking. The hosts, Bobby Ghoshal and Jared Erondu, over six months in 2017 interviewed 25 industry leaders from the likes of Facebook, Airbnb, IBM, Uber, and Instagram, creating roughly 1000 hours of priceless design content.

  1. Design Matters

Design Matters-Hosted by the versatile designer, author, and brand strategist, Debbie Millman, this podcast was labeled as the world’s first and longest-running design podcast. Millman initiated the Design Matters podcast in order to ask her renowned guests all about everything she ever wanted to know.

  1. Design MBA

This podcast unites the circles of business and product design. Design MBA is an free MBA program for designers, making business ideas more accessible to creative individuals. Dalal interviews top UX designers from all over the world on such topics as mastering finances and using design thinking in everyday life.

  1. 99% Invisible

Conceived and hosted by population geneticist Roman Mars for his curious approach to the world surrounding him, the podcast 99% Invisible covers such matters as architecture, sound, cities, infrastructure, objects, images, technology, and history. The show has been on the air since 2010 and comprises over 350 episodes. This podcast dwells on UX design in all walks of life.

99% Invisible podcast

  1. Ramblings of a Designer

This podcast, hosted by Terri Rodriguez-Hong and Laszlo Lazuer, will therefore cover the latest news in graphic design from across the web, on a weekly basis. Ramblings of a Designer integrates the worlds of design and development in one of the most exciting ways.

  1. Revision Path

Revision Path is an award-winning weekly podcast all about highlighting Black designers and developers from across the world and shares over 350 stories from software developers, indie game developers, and UX designers.

You can download or listen these podcasts from the best UX Design Audio Resources.


Importance of Learning Through Podcasts in UX Design

The flexibility of podcasts stands out as one of the greatest advantages. You could do learning along with your daily routine, and therefore it was easy to fit education into busy schedules. Furthermore, diversity in the podcast content makes certain that you will be able to find episodes covering everything from beginner-level concepts to advanced design techniques. For instance, if one is a beginner in UX design, then he or she can listen to episodes introducing basic theories and practices, while professionals might immerse themselves in listening to complex topics, such as user-centered design, A/B testing, or design psychology.

Moreover, the audio character of podcasts can help enhance the retention of the information. In fact, some research has demonstrated that listening at times retains memory so much better compared to reading. That tends to be factual for people for whom listening to learn comes a lot easier compared to reading. UX design podcasts usually feature a conversational and engaging nature. The industry experts present real-life experiences, thus providing practical insights rather than theoretical knowledge to the listeners. This can also be most helpful to designers desiring more in-depth knowledge of problems and solutions found in the field.


How UX Learning Podcasts Compare with Other Learning Methods

With podcasts being such a great resource, it is important to understand how they compare to other methods of learning like online courses, video tutorials, and in-person workshops. Another important difference is that podcasts tend to be more informal; they provide insights into their subject often in a casual, conversational manner that is much easier for the casual learner to absorb. Structured courses and video tutorials are usually full-scale and step-by-step, which may be more suitable for those after formal education or certification.

Another great thing about podcasts is how accessible they are. Most UX podcasts are free or low-cost, making them an efficient alternative for designers to learn without paying high costs associated with traditional education. Also, due to the on-demand nature of the podcast, you may refer back to episodes whenever necessary. In any case, you can always pause, rewind, and replay parts you don’t feel you’ve understood well enough.

Yet, it might be a disadvantage that podcasts can’t show what other learning techniques, for instance video tutorials, are able to visually give them. Since UX design is a very visual area, learners may need to put extra time into other visual resources, such as design books, online courses, or practical work, to really flesh out some concepts.



It is interesting to note how this world of UX design keeps molding itself continuously: the ingenuity of both novice and experienced creatives is mostly invested in refining old concepts and giving birth to completely new ideas. The above podcasts are an excellent way to watch the growth of design culture and adapt to the changing world that surrounds us. At Qlark Studio, we select and listen to the best podcasts as an integral means of upgrading our knowledge, since a podcast is considered one of the best current educational media, helping much in individual learning and development.



Are UX design podcasts free?

Yes, most UX design podcasts are available for free or at a very low cost. These podcasts serve as effective educational resources for UX designers without the high costs typically associated with formal education.

Who are UX design podcasts suitable for?

UX design podcasts are suitable for anyone interested in UX design—from beginners looking to learn the basics to professionals aiming to expand their knowledge on advanced topics such as user-centered design and A/B testing.

Why are podcasts effective for learning UX design?

Podcasts are highly effective due to their flexibility and ease of access. You can listen to them while going about your daily routine, integrating learning into your busy schedule. Moreover, hearing real-life experiences from industry experts offers practical insights that are often more relatable than theoretical knowledge.

Are UX design podcasts as effective as online courses and video tutorials?

While podcasts provide valuable insights, their auditory nature may limit their ability to convey visual design concepts as effectively as video tutorials or online courses. For a more complete understanding, supplementing podcasts with visual resources like design books, online courses, or practical projects can be beneficial.

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